Link Collection

August 27, 2009

LOTD for August 27

Filed under: Uncategorized — gokamoto @ 6:46 pm

The US plans to go to the moon as a stepping stone to sending people to Mars, but Russia plans to send people to Mars first. They don’t have the money to get to Mars, but they are hoping for an international collaboration:

On Tuesday NASA proposed a joint manned Mars mission with the Russian Space agency:

Today NASA will test the powerful first stage of its new Ares moon rocket, reaching a major milestone in a project they have already spent $7 billion for a rocket that may never be used:

Technology developed for the Mars lander will be used to benefit the healthcare and defense markets:

The US Army ordered 150 throwable recon robots for 9,000 each and the Navy SEALs are interested in buying them also:

The Bush administration felt they had no choice and had to ignore the evidence that Afghanistan’s powerful defense minister was a drug lord (he apparently kept his heroin operation even when he was defense minister). Now, the Obama administration has to deal with that drug lord apparently being elected to be the Vice President of Afghanistan:

A Somali pirate ship fired a “large caliber weapon” at a US Navy helicopter yesterday:

Iranian parliamentary investigation apparently proved that some reformers who were sent to prison for protesting the election results were raped (with batons and soda bottles!) in prison:

Researchers are examining a way to use ultrasound procedures to monitor cancer treatment–this would enable cancer treatment to become much cheaper and much easier on the patient’s body:

Experimental procedure may someday enable women to avoid passing certain genetic diseases to their children–they just had a success with the birth of four healthy monkeys:

Two years of testing by NIST researchers will provide independent data on how electromagnetic radiation penetrates aircraft–this will help determine whether or not travelers really have to turn off their cell phones and laptops during takeffs and landings and help protect airplanes against outside sources of interference:

Solar cells with more than 18% conversion efficiencies are in production in the US:
Article link

New cinema lighting solution is available that reduces energy use and improves the movie viewing experience:
Article link

The Cash for Clunkers program resulted in more than 690,000 new car sales:

Comcast, Verizon and Time Warner are trialing providing TV over the internet:

The BlackBerry Storm 2 is not officially available yet, but prerelease Storm 2s are apparently going for a LOT on eBay:

T-Mobile is lining up celebrities (Phil Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, Jesse James) to help promote the myTouch3G phone (the Android-based second generation of the G1 phone). They are trying to position that phone as an iPhone replacement:

T-Mobile is has been running the world’s first multi-user LTE trial since 2009, the largest European test network that has achieved network speeds of 50 Mbps uplink and downlink. 50 Mbps to a phone for a commercial standard…wow:

Motorola’s stock was downgraded because AT&T apparently rejected both Android-based phones that Motorola made for AT&T:

Nokia released its first Linux-based smartphone:

New Mexico man was arrested for his 22nd drunken driving offense! His blood-alcohol content (.393) was almost five times higher than New Mexico’s legal limit:

Gamers are upset about the CDC study results that indicated that the average age of video-game players is 35, that many male players are overweight, and that female players reported “greater depression” than women who don’t play video games:

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