Link Collection

August 28, 2009

LOTD for August 28

Filed under: Uncategorized — gokamoto @ 4:33 pm

Research has found that handwriting analysis may be more effective than lie detector tests–apparently people write differently when they are telling the truth than when they are lying:

Secure communications could get a huge boost by this new nanoparticle ink–the thin, flexible organic gel film results in a medium that erases itself in a few hours. The film can be erased and rewritten hundreds of times with no drop in quality and can even be bent and twisted:

The ACLU filed a lawsuit to get details about the new US policy that allows border patrol agents to search travelers’ laptops at US borders without any suspicion of wrongdoing:

The return of student to college campuses has resulted in a spike of swine flu cases among students. This isn’t surprising considering how large numbers of students sit together for classes and how easily swine flu could spread in a dorm:

Article about how we are losing the battle against cybercrime:

The IRS says that Nortel owes $3 billion in back taxes–that could almost wipe out the money available from Nortel’s bankruptcy sale and Nortel’s creditors might get very little money now:

Very positive article about the Android platform–Android apps are getting as popular with users as iPhone apps and Android phone sales are predicted to grow 900% next year:

China Unicom and Apple finally closed their rumored deal for the iPhone–it is great that the iPhone will finally be legitimately sold in China, but most analysts do not like this deal for China Unicom:

Woman caught her husband cheating (the evidence was on his cell phone) and decided that he should stand on a busy street corner during rush hour for a week wearing a sign proclaiming that he cheated:

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